Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Amalfi Coast restaurants?

I'm heading to the Amalfi Coast in August. We're staying in Cetara. Do you know of any good restaurants in the town or surrounding area (Amalfi, Maiori, Minori, Vietri sul Mare)? Thanks.Amalfi Coast restaurants?
Dpends on how much you want to spend, where you want to eat and what you want to eat really but here are some nice cheapish places!

Trattoria Il Teatro

Via E. Marini, 19


Ristorante Al Pesce d'oro

via Augustaricco


Ristorante Da Nino

Via F. Cerasuoli, 2


Ristorante - Osteria S. Maria

Via D. Taiani, 15/bis


Ristorante La Taverna del Leone

Via Laurito, 43


Ristorante Marina grande

C.so delle repubbliche, 4


Ristorante Pizzeria Al Convento

P.zza S. Francesco, 15


Ristorante La Cianciola

P.zza Cantone, 13


Ristorante Mareluna

Via Costiera Amalfitana, 58

Vietri sul Mare

Cucina Casalinga D'Andria (EXCELLENT!!!!!)

Via G. Mazzini, 131

Vietri Sul Mare

Ristorante La Botte

Via S. Maria Cetrano


I have eaten in al these restaurants and can recommend them all!!!!!!!

Have a nice holiday and remember that Amalfi in August is very busy so try to get there early (before 9) to be sure of a table if you don't book!
1 town north of amalfi is positano.find the agave hotel and have dinner there .order the frito misto(assorted small fried fish)i was in italy for a month strait,all over the place and the agave had the best food by far i ate there 3 times also in positano on the water is chez black they had the best scampi in italy(and i dont mean shrimp)Amalfi Coast restaurants?
Well, its not something you have to worry about until you arrive really. I've been and just ate at some sea front restaurant we passed by that had wonderful views. It was fabulous...the company, weather, view and food
Listen to me... I do non make copy and paste. I leave in Naples and know enough Amalfi coast. Naturally there are plenty sites to see, to go and enjoy panorama, fine restaurants, paradisiac places.

But if you are just in a hurry i suggest you the best place in the universe to go, if you are not afraid of Stendhal syndrome

:-))). Go Ravello is 3 Km up of Amalfi reacheble by bus and taxi. You can click the link on bottom.

I want say only this: J.F. Kennedy (among hundreds of world vip) was estonished of it beauty. In spite of it's beauty prices are really normal.
The best restaurants are in Positano
You need to make reservations early, early, early at any restaurant during that time of year.
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